God Will Take the Wrong People Out of Your Life - Billy Graham
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- God Will Take the Wrong People Out of Your Life - Billy Graham
#JesusIsLord #BibleWisdom #GospelTruth #HolySpirit #OvercomeAnger #FaithInGod #PrayerWorks #GodIsWithYou #PeaceOfMind #StayStrong #DailyDevotional #ChristianLiving #Forgiveness #InnerPeace #ControlEmotions #BiblicalTeaching #GodsWord #Sermon #GodsPeace #ChristianSermon #OvercomeNegativity #InspirationalSermon #JesusSaves #GodlyLiving
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Amen Thank you so much💖
He didn’t just preach - he awakened hearts.
Amen 🙏
Thank you 🙏 Jesus
Father thank you for loving me !!!!
Amen ❤ Thank you ❤ 😊 my Lord hallelujah Praise The Lord hallelujah 🙌 😊❤
GOD took all the bad people out of my life .He new they where wrong for me as for where I was going .I love him for EVER THING HE HAS DONE FOR ME .
Jesus Christ is the word of god Amen
I really loved Lord God. Dr. Graham, and USA. Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Lord God bless 🇺🇸 USA Amen 🙏 🙌 ❤️ ♥️ 👏 💖
Pray fo mee & I will pray for you. Phyllis Wilcox Georgia
What can I pray for?
Thanks really needed to hear again
Amen !🙏🏽 ❤Thank You ! For this Message!
thank You Lord God You for giving me strength to overcome obstacles and hardship in my life because you are the one who help me.
thank you for this wonderful message this morning I understand now God's plan in my life .
Jesus is lord Amen
Lord, I praise and thank You for the gift of life and all its wonders.
Thank for this Messages,glory to God🙏🙏🙏
Glory to God
You are here for a reason, really everyone of you! Jesus loves you more than anyone else could ever love you! 🙏🏼
@@nicolas_sch love is a strong word, I know what unconditional love feels like and I know what the love from my mother feels like, but the love of Jesus Christ I'm still trying to embrace and or feel....it's a life long journey as I say, so I'm in no hurry, I'll find my way in this life I live..and as I do I'm sure I'll embrace and or feel Jesus's love...
Timothy, you don't want to let go of the world! You have something your life that is not in line with God's word you don't want to let go of. Don't 6 won't make you. He doesn't make us do anything. He gives us choices, and in the end, He will condemn you to hell! God holds the keys to both heaven and he'll.
@@patriciawilliams9470 I like the world, it's a beautiful world we live within, so I guess I don't want to let go of it, I have my windows open in my home, fresh air is blowing in and I enjoy it, I'm about to go for a walk in this world we live within and I'm going to enjoy it and the live I hear and see also enjoying it, I read scripture occasionally and go to church occasionally and pray occasionally, I embrace God as I do, I read a person basically needs to emotion a balance between being codependent of God and independent of self, everyone seeks God in their own way, and "to each their own" I say, when speaking of choices I believe a person is always influenced in some way, I'll only go to be condemned to hell if I believe that I will, I don't believe that I'm going to be condemned to hell, nor do I believe God will condemn me to hell, with that being said, thank you for the influential comment and I hope you enjoy both the world we live within and God and yourself and all the people you socialize with.
@@patriciawilliams9470I was talking about Jesus's love, I was not talking about the world, i was not talking about being condemned, with that being said, since you influenced me of the topics, i want to say, I like the world, and I don't need to let go of something I cannot hold, and I don't believe I'm going to be condemned and I don't believe God's gonna condemn me and I know nothing of God holding any keys....
Enjoy the day I also wanted to tell you earlier....
Since I started to listen to Billy I have noticed that I,,,, as a Christian I lack so many things,,, such as using the words of God to overcome
Which scriptures to use
Sometimes I lack to surrender my situation unto God I find my self stressing and meditating on it,, But I pray that may God open my eyes as i daily listen to to Billy s massages.
I will be praying for you🙏
Hey, I'd like to share some testimony with you;
I felt weak recently after being sick; I said A PRAYER, & started quoting PHILIPPIANS 4:13
John 15:3
King James Version
3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
John 17:17
King James Version
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
Ephesians 5:26
King James Version
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
Romans 10:17
King James Version
17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Amen Amen Amen
God didn't take the wrong people out of my life, after people made choices, my child was taken out of my life after I lost custody of my child, but now I'm embracing the possibility that God I believe brought my child, my child's mother and I and those people who chose to take my custody rights away back into my life within the metaphysical, psychological and or spiritual sense as we all learned a lesson of compassion and forgiveness.... unconditional love can never be afflicted if the quote "love conquers all" is true.... Amen
I'm forever gonna believe my love will conquer any affliction I'm faced with ...
I am a Christian & my husband is not. He makes fun of my close walk with Jesus. We were separated for 5 months. I had to live on my credit cards. When he got my daughter who lives with us came to the nursing home to talk me into coming back. I had to live in a motel for the time we were separated. Then !I had a seizure while were at the motel. I wound up in the hospital & when they dismissed me, I had no place to go to & that is why l was in the nursing home. While a patient there I was attacked by another patient & now I am in rehab for I hav a fracture under the metal plate where I had had surgery for a broken human bone. I did come home, but now I am having to pay him $300.00 per month for rent. I only get $ 1320.00 social security. I have a car payment & car insurance along with other bills . I have had to file for food stamps because I have furnish my own food. I m 81 years & I am desperate for God to help m get food stamps. Because we are legally married they said they would have to include his social security also. We are married in name only. He is very verbally abusive to me telling me that I am only going to preach to him. He a.uses profanity all the time. H needs praye& I need to have approval for food stamps. God bless all who red thi & pry for me also
@PhyllisWilcox-w2b My sympathy goes out to you, it sounds like your going through a difficult time, I've never been in an abusive relationship, from the sounds of it your husband needs to reflect and think of his faults and what their doing to himself and you.
Speaking of other relations i again am going to embrace the possibility that god i believe brought people into my life, some i considered friends and others who i never got a chance to establish a friendship with and others who we're complete strangers within the metaphysical, psychological and or spiritual sense to able us to show our compassion, forgiveness and good will to free ouselves from the past and for us to focus on current moments and progress daily to embrace a better future.... Amen
Yea It is written: He that saith that he knoweth GOD and doeth not his COMMANDMENTS is a LIAR and the TRUTH is not in him
And in the BOOK OF REVELATION saith this for as such as a time as this Let he that is JUST let him be JUST STILL
Let he that is RIGHTEOUS let him be RIGHTEOUS STILL
Let he that is filthy let him be filthy still and let he that is HOLY let him be HOLY STILL
O wife what thinkest thou ye shall save thy husband
O husband what thinkest thou ye shall save thy wife
For every man is SAVED by grace through faith in JESUS CHRIST
The Apostle Paul replied
For in the RESSURRECTION no one will be married to each other but shall be angels of GOD rather
Through Jesus Christ our LORD and SAVIOUR Amen 🤴🕊❤✌😊☺🥰 🙌😇🙏
I feel that this message was meant for me to hear everything that he is saying is exactly what I'm going through now
4:30 “Not because they’re bad”
It’s just that some are only there for a season. Maybe even sometimes they were sent to teach you something. ❤️🩹🙏🏻
We all I believe experience metaphysical, psychological and or spiritual influences everyday, these influences can be bad and or good, negative and or positive, I have always when embracing such influences that I speak of embraced good and or positive influences, I believe that in some ways many people have tried to teach me how to cope with my personal struggles and motion through bad and or negative influences, now as I've grown and or matured I'm much more able to maintain my composure and or good will and positive patterns of thought, I still do though occasionally have brief moments when I am discomforted and or disorientated by bad and or negative influences, I don't stress about it though, I regain my composure everytime I am discomforted and or disorientated by bad and or negative influences as my good will and positive patterns of thought are expressed.
@ Amen 🙏🏻 ♥️ 😊
Amen 🙏