Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Abortion/List of abortion pages
The following pages should be under 3 years semi-protection, per arbitration edit. Cascading protection cannot be used for semi-protection.
[edit]- Abortion
- Abortion clinic
- Abortion doping
- Abortion exceptionalism
- Abortion fund
- Abortion statistics in the United States
- Beginning of human personhood
- Birthright International
- Feticide
- Handbook on Abortion
- History of abortion
- History of abortion law debate
- Ipas (organization)
- Late termination of pregnancy
- Los Angeles fetus disposal scandal
- Miscarriage
- Post-abortion emotional health
- Pregnancy options counseling
- Opposition to the legalization of abortion
- Scientology and abortion
- Selective reduction
- Self-induced abortion
- Sex-selective abortion
- Therapeutic abortion
- Total abortion rate
- Unborn in the USA
- Unsafe abortion
- Women Exploited By Abortion
- Wrongful abortion
- Wrongful birth
- Wrongful life
- Abortion in Albania
- Abortion in Andorra
- Abortion in Argentina
- Abortion in Armenia
- Abortion in Austria
- Abortion in Belarus
- Abortion in Belgium
- Abortion in Bolivia
- Abortion in Brazil
- Abortion in Canada
- Abortion in Chile
- Abortion in China
- Abortion in Costa Rica
- Abortion in Cyprus
- Abortion in the Czech Republic
- Abortion in Denmark
- Abortion in the Dominican Republic
- Abortion in Ecuador
- Abortion in El Salvador
- Abortion in Estonia
- Abortion in Finland
- Abortion in Greece
- Abortion in Guatemala
- Abortion in Guyana
- Abortion in Hungary
- Abortion in Iceland
- Abortion in India
- Abortion in Iran
- Abortion in the Republic of Ireland
- Abortion in Italy
- Abortion in Japan
- Abortion in Liechtenstein
- Abortion in Mexico
- Abortion in Monaco
- Abortion in Namibia
- Abortion in Nicaragua
- Abortion in Panama
- Abortion in Paraguay
- Abortion in Peru
- Abortion in the Philippines
- Abortion in Poland
- Abortion in Romania
- Abortion in Russia
- Abortion in Serbia
- Abortion in Slovakia
- Abortion in Slovenia
- Abortion in Spain
- Abortion in Suriname
- Abortion in Sweden
- Abortion in Switzerland
- Abortion in Trinidad and Tobago
- Abortion in Turkey
- Abortion in Uruguay
- Abortion in Venezuela
- Abortion in Zimbabwe
- Access to Abortion Services Act
- Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968-69
- Therapeutic Abortion Committee
- Abortion trial of Emily Stowe
- Azoulay v. The Queen
- Borowski v. Canada (Attorney General)
- Morgentaler v. The Queen
- R. v. Morgentaler
- R. v. Morgentaler (1993)
- Tremblay v. Daigle
- Eighth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland
- Twelfth Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 1992 (Ireland)
- Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland
- Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland
- Twenty-fifth Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 2002 (Ireland)
- A, B and C v Ireland
- Attorney General v. X
- Re the Regulation of Information (Services outside the State for Termination of Pregnancies) Bill
- Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion Act 1977
- Foetal impairment
- Status of the Unborn Child Bill
- Abortion Act 1967
- Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1945
- Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990
- Infant Life (Preservation) Act 1929
- Malicious Shooting or Stabbing Act 1803
- Offences against the Person Act 1828
- Offences against the Person Act 1837
- Offences against the Person Act 1861
- Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
- Beal v. Doe
- Bellotti v. Baird (1976)
- Bellotti v. Baird (1979)
- Bray v. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic
- Center for Reproductive Law and Policy v. Bush
- City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health
- Colautti v. Franklin
- Doe v. Bolton
- Frisby v. Schultz
- Gonzales v. Carhart
- H. L. v. Matheson
- Harris v. McRae
- Hodgson v. Minnesota
- McCorvey v. Hill
- National Organization for Women, Inc. v. Scheidler
- Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth
- Planned Parenthood v. Casey
- Roe v. Wade
- Rust v. Sullivan
- Scheidler v. National Organization for Women (2006)
- Schenck v. Pro-Choice Network of Western New York
- Stenberg v. Carhart
- Thornburgh v. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- United States v. Vuitch
- Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
- Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
- Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act
- Hyde Amendment
- Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
- Unborn Victims of Violence Act
- California Proposition 4 (2008)
- California Proposition 73 (2005)
- California Proposition 85 (2006)
- Oregon Ballot Measure 43 (2006)
- Ken Sumsion
- Texas abortion statutes (1961)
- Women's Health and Human Life Protection Act
- Abortion in Australia
- EMILY's List Australia
- Peter James Knight
- R v Davidson
- Victoria's Abortion Law Reform
- Australian Christian Lobby
- Festival of Light Australia
- Queensland Right to Life
- Henry Morgentaler
- Garson Romalis
- Doris Anderson
- Allison Brewer
- Andrea Horwath
- Lynn McDonald
- Judy Rebick
- Earl Amyotte
- Joe Borowski (politician)
- Ken Campbell (evangelist)
- Thomas Christopher Collins
- Anne Cools
- Michael Coren
- Stockwell Day
- Cheryl Gallant
- Ron Gray
- Stephanie Gray
- Jim Hnatiuk
- Charles McVety
- Lynne Scime
- Heather Stilwell
- Merle Terlesky
- Maurice Vellacott
- Bill Whatcott
- Campaign Life Coalition
- Catholic Civil Rights League
- Catholic Organization for Life and Family
- Focus on the Family Canada
- Liberals for Life
- Life Chain
- REAL Women of Canada
- Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada
- Canadian Youth for Choice
- National Action Committee on the Status of Women
- Pro-Choice Action Network
- Rock for Choice
- Abortion in Colombia
- Martha Gonzalez
- Abortion in France
- Marie-Louise Giraud
- Manifesto of the 343
- March for Life (Paris)
- Roussel Uclaf
- Simone de Beauvoir
- Martine Billard
- Henri Caillavet
- Gisèle Halimi
- Ilham Moussaïd
- Simone Veil
- Christine Boutin
- Jérôme Lejeune
- Abortion in Germany
- German Constitutional Court abortion decision, 1975
- Oldenburg Baby
- Hope Bridges Adams Lehmann
- Mamie Cadden
- Ivana Bacik
- Goretti Horgan
- Abortion in Israel
- Efrat (organization)
- Abortion in the Netherlands
- Women on Waves
- Women on Web
- Abortion in New Zealand
- Alice Bush
- John Daniel Bergin
- William Liley
- Marilyn Pryor
- Abortion Law Reform Association of New Zealand
- Family Life International (New Zealand)
- Operation Rescue New Zealand
- Right to Life New Zealand
- Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
- Voice for Life
- Abortion in Norway
- Berthold Grünfeld
- Katti Anker Møller
- Børre Knudsen
- Abortion Opponents' List
- Christian Unity Party
- Abortion in Portugal
- Portuguese abortion referendum, 1998
- Portuguese abortion referendum, 2007
- Abortion in South Africa
- Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1996
- Abortion in the United Kingdom
- Aleck Bourne
- Joanna Jepson
- Ann Furedi
- Jonathan Glover
- Roy Jenkins
- Ellie Lee
- Joan Malleson
- George Hargreaves (politician)
- Austen Ivereigh
- Abortion Law Reform Association
- British Pregnancy Advisory Service
- Christian Concern
- Christian Institute
- Christian Legal Centre
- Christian Voice (UK)
- Conservative Christian Fellowship
- The Lawyers' Christian Fellowship
- LIFE (UK organisation)
- ProLife Alliance
- UK Life League
- Calthorpe clinic
- Family Planning Association
- Richard Starkie
- Abortion in the United States
- Abortion in the United States by state
- A Catholic Statement on Pluralism and Abortion
- Charmaine Yoest
- Arch of Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and International Shrine of the Holy Innocents
- Becky Bell
- Excommunication of Margaret McBride
- Gerardo Flores
- The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime
- Impossible Motherhood
- Jane Collective
- Gianna Jessen
- Susannah Lattin
- Live Free or Die (documentary)
- Norma McCorvey
- March for Life
- National Sanctity of Human Life Day
- North Dakota HB 1572
- Roe effect
- Gerri Santoro
- Susan B. Anthony abortion dispute
- Virginia Board of Health
- Walk for Life West Coast
- Ruth Barnett
- John Britton (doctor)
- LeRoy Carhart
- Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health
- Josephine Gabler
- Kermit Gosnell
- Henry Dyer Grindle
- David Gunn (doctor)
- Lucy Hagenow
- William Harrison (physician)
- Martin Haskell
- Warren Hern
- Jane Elizabeth Hodgson
- T. R. M. Howard
- Harvey Karman
- Albert Littlefield
- Benjamin Munson
- Bernard Nathanson
- National Abortion Federation
- National Coalition of Abortion Providers
- Planned Parenthood
- Richard Ragsdale
- Ben Reitman
- Madame Restell
- Eva Shaver
- Barnett Slepian
- Robert Spencer (doctor)
- George Tiller
- George Lotrell Timanus
- Milan Vuitch
- Susan Wicklund
- Bella Abzug
- Jacob M. Appel
- Bill Baird (activist)
- Marcy Bloom
- Barbara Boxer
- Balfour Brickner
- Tammy Bruce
- Joan Buchanan
- Kelly M. Burke
- Leslie Cagan
- Mary Calderone
- Elizabeth Cavendish (lawyer)
- Linda Coffee
- Carol Downer
- Lisa Edelstein
- Joycelyn Elders
- Susan Faludi
- Ronald J. Fitzsimmons
- Stephen Fleck
- Whoopi Goldberg
- Linda Greenhouse
- Mary Hayashi
- John R. Hunting
- Nancy Keenan
- Frances Kissling
- Judith Levine
- Emily Lyons
- Ellen Malcolm
- Kate Michelman
- Julianne Moore
- Robin Morgan
- Joseph O'Rourke (activist)
- Liz Phair
- Katherine Hancock Ragsdale
- Cecile Richards
- Lorraine Rothman
- Kelda Roys
- Priscilla J. Smith
- Ruth P. Smith
- Gloria Steinem
- Judith Jarvis Thomson
- Carlton W. Veazey
- Faye Wattleton
- Sarah Weddington
- Christine Todd Whitman
- Ellen Willis
- Karen DeCrow
- Betty Friedan
- Kim Gandy
- Judy Goldsmith
- Wilma Scott Heide
- Aileen Hernandez
- Patricia Ireland
- Terry O'Neill (feminist)
- Eleanor Smeal
- Molly Yard
- Abby Johnson (activist)
- Jane Abraham
- Mary Cunningham Agee
- Michele Bachmann
- Chuck Baldwin
- Allen Bares
- Flip Benham
- David Bereit
- Bob Bird (activist)
- L. Brent Bozell, Jr.
- Michael Bray
- Joel Brind
- Judie Brown
- Robert P. Casey
- Mark Crutcher
- Marjorie Dannenfelser
- Paul deParrie
- Richard Doerflinger
- Bob Dornan
- Eileen Egan
- Lou Engle
- Thomas J. Euteneuer
- Francis P. Filice
- Mark Gietzen
- Mary Ann Glendon
- Nellie Gray (U.S. pro-life activist)
- Andrew Greeley
- Carl Gunter, Jr.
- Mark Harrington (pro-life activist)
- Cameron Henry
- Nat Hentoff
- Paul Jennings Hill
- Frank Hoffmann
- Neal Horsley
- Mildred Fay Jefferson
- Maya Keyes
- Alveda King
- James Charles Kopp
- David Leach (activist)
- Juli Loesch
- Ellen McCormack
- Rachel MacNair
- Michelle Malkin
- Keith Mason (activist)
- Frederica Mathewes-Green
- Troy Newman
- John Joseph O'Connor
- Christine O'Donnell
- Kristin Olsen
- Jennifer O'Neill
- Tadeusz Pacholczyk
- Ruth Pakaluk
- Star Parker
- Frank Pavone
- David Reardon
- Brian Rohrbough
- Lila Rose
- Joseph Scheidler
- Paul Schenck
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver
- J. Minos Simon
- Chris Smith (New Jersey politician)
- Stephen Spiro
- Jill Stanek
- Ben Stein
- Horatio Storer
- Cheryl Sullenger
- Randall Terry
- David Trosch
- Leslee Unruh
- Clayton Waagner
- J. C. Willke
- Denis E. Dillon
- 40 Days for Life
- Alliance Defense Fund
- Alpha Center
- American Anglican Council
- American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists
- American Center for Law & Justice
- American Coalition of Life Activists
- American College of Pediatricians
- American Family Association
- American Life League
- American Vision
- Americans United for Life
- Arlington Group
- Army of God (USA)
- Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
- Bound4life
- California ProLife Council
- The Call (religion)
- Catholic Answers
- Center for Bio-Ethical Reform
- Choose Life license plates
- Colorado Right to Life
- Concerned Women for America
- Democrats for Life of America
- Eagle Forum
- Elliot Institute
- Faith and Freedom Coalition
- Family Institute of Connecticut
- Feminists for Life
- Focus on the Family
- Gabriel Project
- Georgia Right to Life
- History of Operation Rescue
- Justice House of Prayer
- The Lambs of Christ
- Libertarians for Life
- Life Dynamics Inc.
- Live Action (organization)
- The Lord's Ranch
- Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life
- Missionaries to the Preborn
- Missionaries to the Unborn
- National Institute of Family and Life Advocates
- National Right to Life Committee
- New York State Right to Life Party
- Operation Rescue (Kansas)
- Operation Save America
- Physicians for Life
- Population Research Institute
- Pro-Life Action League
- Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians
- Republican National Coalition for Life
- A Rose and a Prayer
- Students for America
- Students for Life of America
- Susan B. Anthony List
- Taskforce of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality
- The Nurturing Network
- Thomas More Law Center
- Thomas More Society
- Traditional Values Coalition
- Virginia Society for Human Life
- Vision America
- Mama grizzly
- Ayn Rand Institute
- Catholics for Choice
- Choice USA
- EMILY's List
- I'm Not
- NARAL Pro-Choice America
- National Organization for Women
- Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
- Republicans for Choice
- The Wish List (political organization)
- Women's Health Action and Mobilization
- American Birth Control League
- Family Planning Association India
- The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
- Family Planning Queensland
- Gloria Feldt
- Gonzales v. Planned Parenthood
- Guttmacher Institute
- Alan Frank Guttmacher
- Nasreena Ibrahim
- Attiya Inayatullah
- International Planned Parenthood Federation
- Japan Family Planning Association
- Peggy Lam
- Mary Lasker
- Margaret Sanger Awards
- Jean Medawar
- Mary Morain
- Dorothy Norman
- James O'Keefe
- Elise Ottesen-Jensen
- Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. v. Bucci
- Malcolm Potts
- Margaret Pyke
- Dhanvanthi Rama Rau
- Edris Rice-Wray Carson
- Rutgers Nisso Group
- Margaret Sanger
- Robert Vivian Storer
- Swedish Association for Sexuality Education
- Christian terrorism
- Murder of David Gunn
- Scott Roeder
- Eric Robert Rudolph
- John Salvi
- Shelley Shannon
- Assassination of George Tiller
- Sandbæk Report
- Etienne Vermeersch
- Abortifacient
- Apiol
- Aristolochia
- Artemisia vulgaris
- Carica papaya
- Claviceps purpurea
- Common Rue
- Daucus carota
- Diachylon
- Ecballium elaterium
- Ergot
- Gemeprost
- Hellebore
- Juniperus sabina
- Mentha cervina
- Mifepristone
- Misoprostol
- Pennyroyal
- Prostaglandin E2
- Prostaglandin F2alpha
- Silphium
- Spanish fly
- St John's wort
- Tansy
- Abortion debate
- 180 (2011 American film)
- Abortion and mental health
- Abortion–breast cancer hypothesis
- Beginning of pregnancy controversy
- Buddhism and abortion
- Canon 1398
- Canon 915
- Capps Amendment
- Catholicism and abortion
- History of early Christian thought on abortion
- Christianity and abortion
- Ensoulment
- Executive Order 13535
- Fetal rights
- Fetus Farming Prohibition Act
- Sherri Finkbine
- Genetics and abortion
- Hinduism and abortion
- Indirect abortion
- Islam and abortion
- Judaism and abortion
- Legalized abortion and crime effect
- Libertarian perspectives on abortion
- Mexico City Policy
- Minors and abortion
- Nelson Amendment
- Paternal rights and abortion
- Personhood movement
- Philosophical aspects of the abortion debate
- Plattform "Ärzte für das Leben" v. Austria
- Potential person
- R (ProLife Alliance) v. BBC
- Religion and abortion
- Reproductive Health Bill
- José Cardoso Sobrinho
- Societal attitudes towards abortion
- Stupak–Pitts Amendment
- Yale student abortion art controversy
- Tysiąc v Poland
- Support for the legalization of abortion
- Clinic escort
- March for Women's Lives
- Reproductive rights
- Eugen Relgis
- Bertram Wainer
- Emma Bonino
- Adele Faccio
- Giorgio Fidenato
- Patricia Mercado
- Esther Orozco
- Beatriz Paredes Rangel
- Marie Stopes International
- The Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing
- Right to life
- Aborting America
- Consistent life ethic
- Culture of life
- Eclipse of Reason
- Evangelium Vitae
- Genocide Awareness Project
- The Hand of God (book)
- The Human Life Review
- Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience
- March for Life and Family
- The Party of Death
- Pro-life feminism
- Sanctity of life
- Sidewalk counseling
- Silent Holocaust
- The Silent Scream
- Sisters of Life
- Wayne Christian
- Ernesto Cofiño
- Frank Corte, Jr.
- Brett Geymann
- Victoria Gillick
- Bryan Hughes (Texas politician)
- Peter Jensen (bishop)
- John LaBruzzo
- Paul Marx (priest)
- Liliana Negre de Alonso
- Ludvig Nessa
- Ben Nevers
- J. Rogers Pope
- John Schroder
- Justin Barrett
- Patricia Casey
- Michael Cox (bishop)
- Richard Greene (politician)
- Rónán Mullen
- Breda O'Brien
- Anglicans for Life
- Buhay Hayaan Yumabong
- Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute
- Catholic Medical Association
- Human Life International
- Pharmacists for Life International
- Pontifical Academy for Life
- Priests for Life
- Rachel's Vineyard
- The Stoneridge Group
- Aktion Leben
- Crisis pregnancy center
- 12th & Delaware
- Care Net
- Thomas Glessner
- Heartbeat International (crisis pregnancy center network)
- Eric Keroack
- Susan Olasky
- Faderhuset
- Freedom Party (Denmark)
- Precious Life (organisation)
- Pro Life Campaign
- Anti-abortion violence
- Abortion law
- Child destruction
- Conscience clause (medical)
- Decreţei
- Human Life Amendment
- Legal protection of access to abortion
- Security of person
- TRAP law
- Spirit of '73: Rock for Choice
- Diary of an Unborn Child
- Hills Like White Elephants
- Life Choice
- Mitzi's Abortion
- One Day, One Room
- Partial Terms of Endearment
- The Pre-persons
- Thou Shalt Not Kill (Spooks)
- Woodland Critter Christmas
- 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
- The Banishment
- The Cider House Rules (film)
- Citizen Ruth
- El crimen del Padre Amaro
- Dirty Dancing
- If These Walls Could Talk
- My Body, My Child
- Palindromes (film)
- A Private Matter
- Rain Without Thunder
- Sarah's Choice
- Story of Women
- Street Corner (1948 film)
- Vera Drake
- The Abortion: An Historical Romance 1966
- The Amatory Experiences of a Surgeon
- The Atonement Child
- Bones of the Moon
- The Cider House Rules
- The End of the Road
- Gideon's Torch
- Prophet (novel)
- Tilly (novella)
- The Abortion Pill (film)
- Lake of Fire (film)
- Maafa 21
- When Abortion Was Illegal: Untold Stories
- A Defense of Abortion
- List of songs about abortion
- Bear (song)
- Bodies (Sex Pistols song)
- Brick (song)
- Choirgirl (song)
- The Freshmen (song)
- Get Your Gunn
- Happy Birthday (Flipsyde song)
- Lucy (Skillet song)
- Miracle (Whitney Houston song)
- Nude as the News
- Papa Don't Preach
- Red Ragtop
- Retrospect for Life
- Sally's Pigeons
- Se quiere, Se Mata
- Slide (song)
- What It's Like
- White Crosses (song)
- Dilation and curettage
- Dilation and evacuation
- Hysterotomy abortion
- Instillation abortion
- Intact dilation and extraction
- Medical abortion
- Menstrual extraction
- Vacuum aspiration
- Thomas Neill Cream
- Gisella Perl
- Holly's Law
- Interstate Abortion Bill
- Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1995
Talk pages
[edit]- Talk:Abortion
- Talk:Abortion clinic
- Talk:Abortion doping
- Talk:Abortion exceptionalism
- Talk:Abortion fund
- Talk:Abortion statistics in the United States
- Talk:Beginning of human personhood
- Talk:Birthright International
- Talk:Feticide
- Talk:Handbook on Abortion
- Talk:History of abortion
- Talk:History of abortion law debate
- Talk:Ipas (organization)
- Talk:Late termination of pregnancy
- Talk:Los Angeles fetus disposal scandal
- Talk:Miscarriage
- Talk:Post-abortion emotional health
- Talk:Pregnancy options counseling
- Talk:Opposition to the legalization of abortion
- Talk:Scientology and abortion
- Talk:Selective reduction
- Talk:Self-induced abortion
- Talk:Sex-selective abortion
- Talk:Therapeutic abortion
- Talk:Total abortion rate
- Talk:Unborn in the USA
- Talk:Unsafe abortion
- Talk:Women Exploited By Abortion
- Talk:Wrongful abortion
- Talk:Wrongful birth
- Talk:Wrongful life
- Talk:Abortion in Albania
- Talk:Abortion in Andorra
- Talk:Abortion in Argentina
- Talk:Abortion in Armenia
- Talk:Abortion in Austria
- Talk:Abortion in Belarus
- Talk:Abortion in Belgium
- Talk:Abortion in Bolivia
- Talk:Abortion in Brazil
- Talk:Abortion in Canada
- Talk:Abortion in Chile
- Talk:Abortion in China
- Talk:Abortion in Costa Rica
- Talk:Abortion in Cyprus
- Talk:Abortion in the Czech Republic
- Talk:Abortion in Denmark
- Talk:Abortion in the Dominican Republic
- Talk:Abortion in Ecuador
- Talk:Abortion in El Salvador
- Talk:Abortion in Estonia
- Talk:Abortion in Finland
- Talk:Abortion in Greece
- Talk:Abortion in Guatemala
- Talk:Abortion in Guyana
- Talk:Abortion in Hungary
- Talk:Abortion in Iceland
- Talk:Abortion in India
- Talk:Abortion in Iran
- Talk:Abortion in the Republic of Ireland
- Talk:Abortion in Italy
- Talk:Abortion in Japan
- Talk:Abortion in Liechtenstein
- Talk:Abortion in Mexico
- Talk:Abortion in Monaco
- Talk:Abortion in Namibia
- Talk:Abortion in Nicaragua
- Talk:Abortion in Panama
- Talk:Abortion in Paraguay
- Talk:Abortion in Peru
- Talk:Abortion in the Philippines
- Talk:Abortion in Poland
- Talk:Abortion in Romania
- Talk:Abortion in Russia
- Talk:Abortion in Serbia
- Talk:Abortion in Slovakia
- Talk:Abortion in Slovenia
- Talk:Abortion in Spain
- Talk:Abortion in Suriname
- Talk:Abortion in Sweden
- Talk:Abortion in Switzerland
- Talk:Abortion in Trinidad and Tobago
- Talk:Abortion in Turkey
- Talk:Abortion in Uruguay
- Talk:Abortion in Venezuela
- Talk:Abortion in Zimbabwe
- Talk:Access to Abortion Services Act
- Talk:Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968-69
- Talk:Therapeutic Abortion Committee
- Talk:Abortion trial of Emily Stowe
- Talk:Azoulay v. The Queen
- Talk:Borowski v. Canada (Attorney General)
- Talk:Morgentaler v. The Queen
- Talk:R. v. Morgentaler
- Talk:R. v. Morgentaler (1993)
- Talk:Tremblay v. Daigle
- Talk:Eighth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland
- Talk:Twelfth Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 1992 (Ireland)
- Talk:Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland
- Talk:Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland
- Talk:Twenty-fifth Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 2002 (Ireland)
- Talk:A, B and C v Ireland
- Talk:Attorney General v. X
- Talk:Re the Regulation of Information (Services outside the State for Termination of Pregnancies) Bill
- Talk:Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion Act 1977
- Talk:Foetal impairment
- Talk:Status of the Unborn Child Bill
- Talk:Abortion Act 1967
- Talk:Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1945
- Talk:Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990
- Talk:Infant Life (Preservation) Act 1929
- Talk:Malicious Shooting or Stabbing Act 1803
- Talk:Offences against the Person Act 1828
- Talk:Offences against the Person Act 1837
- Talk:Offences against the Person Act 1861
- Talk:Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
- Talk:Beal v. Doe
- Talk:Bellotti v. Baird (1976)
- Talk:Bellotti v. Baird (1979)
- Talk:Bray v. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic
- Talk:Center for Reproductive Law and Policy v. Bush
- Talk:City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health
- Talk:Colautti v. Franklin
- Talk:Doe v. Bolton
- Talk:Frisby v. Schultz
- Talk:Gonzales v. Carhart
- Talk:H. L. v. Matheson
- Talk:Harris v. McRae
- Talk:Hodgson v. Minnesota
- Talk:McCorvey v. Hill
- Talk:National Organization for Women, Inc. v. Scheidler
- Talk:Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth
- Talk:Planned Parenthood v. Casey
- Talk:Roe v. Wade
- Talk:Rust v. Sullivan
- Talk:Scheidler v. National Organization for Women (2006)
- Talk:Schenck v. Pro-Choice Network of Western New York
- Talk:Stenberg v. Carhart
- Talk:Thornburgh v. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- Talk:United States v. Vuitch
- Talk:Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
- Talk:Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
- Talk:Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act
- Talk:Hyde Amendment
- Talk:Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
- Talk:Unborn Victims of Violence Act
- Talk:California Proposition 4 (2008)
- Talk:California Proposition 73 (2005)
- Talk:California Proposition 85 (2006)
- Talk:Oregon Ballot Measure 43 (2006)
- Talk:Ken Sumsion
- Talk:Texas abortion statutes (1961)
- Talk:Women's Health and Human Life Protection Act
- Talk:Abortion in Australia
- Talk:EMILY's List Australia
- Talk:Peter James Knight
- Talk:R v Davidson
- Talk:Victoria's Abortion Law Reform
- Talk:Australian Christian Lobby
- Talk:Festival of Light Australia
- Talk:Queensland Right to Life
- Talk:Henry Morgentaler
- Talk:Garson Romalis
- Talk:Doris Anderson
- Talk:Allison Brewer
- Talk:Andrea Horwath
- Talk:Lynn McDonald
- Talk:Judy Rebick
- Talk:Earl Amyotte
- Talk:Joe Borowski (politician)
- Talk:Ken Campbell (evangelist)
- Talk:Thomas Christopher Collins
- Talk:Anne Cools
- Talk:Michael Coren
- Talk:Stockwell Day
- Talk:Cheryl Gallant
- Talk:Ron Gray
- Talk:Stephanie Gray
- Talk:Jim Hnatiuk
- Talk:Charles McVety
- Talk:Lynne Scime
- Talk:Heather Stilwell
- Talk:Merle Terlesky
- Talk:Maurice Vellacott
- Talk:Bill Whatcott
- Talk:Campaign Life Coalition
- Talk:Catholic Civil Rights League
- Talk:Catholic Organization for Life and Family
- Talk:Focus on the Family Canada
- Talk:Liberals for Life
- Talk:Life Chain
- Talk:REAL Women of Canada
- Talk:Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada
- Talk:Canadian Youth for Choice
- Talk:National Action Committee on the Status of Women
- Talk:Pro-Choice Action Network
- Talk:Rock for Choice
- Talk:Abortion in Colombia
- Talk:Martha Gonzalez
- Talk:Abortion in France
- Talk:Marie-Louise Giraud
- Talk:Manifesto of the 343
- Talk:March for Life (Paris)
- Talk:Roussel Uclaf
- Talk:Simone de Beauvoir
- Talk:Martine Billard
- Talk:Henri Caillavet
- Talk:Gisèle Halimi
- Talk:Ilham Moussaïd
- Talk:Simone Veil
- Talk:Christine Boutin
- Talk:Jérôme Lejeune
- Talk:Abortion in Germany
- Talk:German Constitutional Court abortion decision, 1975
- Talk:Oldenburg Baby
- Talk:Hope Bridges Adams Lehmann
- Talk:Mamie Cadden
- Talk:Ivana Bacik
- Talk:Goretti Horgan
- Talk:Abortion in Israel
- Talk:Efrat (organization)
- Talk:Abortion in the Netherlands
- Talk:Women on Waves
- Talk:Women on Web
- Talk:Abortion in New Zealand
- Talk:Alice Bush
- Talk:John Daniel Bergin
- Talk:William Liley
- Talk:Marilyn Pryor
- Talk:Abortion Law Reform Association of New Zealand
- Talk:Family Life International (New Zealand)
- Talk:Operation Rescue New Zealand
- Talk:Right to Life New Zealand
- Talk:Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
- Talk:Voice for Life
- Talk:Abortion in Norway
- Talk:Berthold Grünfeld
- Talk:Katti Anker Møller
- Talk:Børre Knudsen
- Talk:Abortion Opponents' List
- Talk:Christian Unity Party
- Talk:Abortion in Portugal
- Talk:Portuguese abortion referendum, 1998
- Talk:Portuguese abortion referendum, 2007
- Talk:Abortion in South Africa
- Talk:Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1996
- Talk:Abortion in the United Kingdom
- Talk:Aleck Bourne
- Talk:Joanna Jepson
- Talk:Ann Furedi
- Talk:Jonathan Glover
- Talk:Roy Jenkins
- Talk:Ellie Lee
- Talk:Joan Malleson
- Talk:George Hargreaves (politician)
- Talk:Austen Ivereigh
- Talk:Abortion Law Reform Association
- Talk:British Pregnancy Advisory Service
- Talk:Christian Concern
- Talk:Christian Institute
- Talk:Christian Legal Centre
- Talk:Christian Voice (UK)
- Talk:Conservative Christian Fellowship
- Talk:The Lawyers' Christian Fellowship
- Talk:LIFE (UK organisation)
- Talk:ProLife Alliance
- Talk:UK Life League
- Talk:Calthorpe clinic
- Talk:Family Planning Association
- Talk:Richard Starkie
- Talk:Abortion in the United States
- Talk:Abortion in the United States by state
- Talk:A Catholic Statement on Pluralism and Abortion
- Talk:Charmaine Yoest
- Talk:Arch of Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and International Shrine of the Holy Innocents
- Talk:Becky Bell
- Talk:Excommunication of Margaret McBride
- Talk:Gerardo Flores
- Talk:The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime
- Talk:Impossible Motherhood
- Talk:Jane Collective
- Talk:Gianna Jessen
- Talk:Susannah Lattin
- Talk:Live Free or Die (documentary)
- Talk:Norma McCorvey
- Talk:March for Life
- Talk:National Sanctity of Human Life Day
- Talk:North Dakota HB 1572
- Talk:Roe effect
- Talk:Gerri Santoro
- Talk:Susan B. Anthony abortion dispute
- Talk:Virginia Board of Health
- Talk:Walk for Life West Coast
- Talk:Ruth Barnett
- Talk:John Britton (doctor)
- Talk:LeRoy Carhart
- Talk:Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health
- Talk:Josephine Gabler
- Talk:Kermit Gosnell
- Talk:Henry Dyer Grindle
- Talk:David Gunn (doctor)
- Talk:Lucy Hagenow
- Talk:William Harrison (physician)
- Talk:Martin Haskell
- Talk:Warren Hern
- Talk:Jane Elizabeth Hodgson
- Talk:T. R. M. Howard
- Talk:Harvey Karman
- Talk:Albert Littlefield
- Talk:Benjamin Munson
- Talk:Bernard Nathanson
- Talk:National Abortion Federation
- Talk:National Coalition of Abortion Providers
- Talk:Planned Parenthood
- Talk:Richard Ragsdale
- Talk:Ben Reitman
- Talk:Madame Restell
- Talk:Eva Shaver
- Talk:Barnett Slepian
- Talk:Robert Spencer (doctor)
- Talk:George Tiller
- Talk:George Lotrell Timanus
- Talk:Milan Vuitch
- Talk:Susan Wicklund
- Talk:Bella Abzug
- Talk:Jacob M. Appel
- Talk:Bill Baird (activist)
- Talk:Marcy Bloom
- Talk:Barbara Boxer
- Talk:Balfour Brickner
- Talk:Tammy Bruce
- Talk:Joan Buchanan
- Talk:Kelly M. Burke
- Talk:Leslie Cagan
- Talk:Mary Calderone
- Talk:Elizabeth Cavendish (lawyer)
- Talk:Linda Coffee
- Talk:Carol Downer
- Talk:Lisa Edelstein
- Talk:Joycelyn Elders
- Talk:Susan Faludi
- Talk:Ronald J. Fitzsimmons
- Talk:Stephen Fleck
- Talk:Whoopi Goldberg
- Talk:Linda Greenhouse
- Talk:Mary Hayashi
- Talk:John R. Hunting
- Talk:Nancy Keenan
- Talk:Frances Kissling
- Talk:Judith Levine
- Talk:Emily Lyons
- Talk:Ellen Malcolm
- Talk:Kate Michelman
- Talk:Julianne Moore
- Talk:Robin Morgan
- Talk:Joseph O'Rourke (activist)
- Talk:Liz Phair
- Talk:Katherine Hancock Ragsdale
- Talk:Cecile Richards
- Talk:Lorraine Rothman
- Talk:Kelda Roys
- Talk:Priscilla J. Smith
- Talk:Ruth P. Smith
- Talk:Gloria Steinem
- Talk:Judith Jarvis Thomson
- Talk:Carlton W. Veazey
- Talk:Faye Wattleton
- Talk:Sarah Weddington
- Talk:Christine Todd Whitman
- Talk:Ellen Willis
- Talk:Karen DeCrow
- Talk:Betty Friedan
- Talk:Kim Gandy
- Talk:Judy Goldsmith
- Talk:Wilma Scott Heide
- Talk:Aileen Hernandez
- Talk:Patricia Ireland
- Talk:Terry O'Neill (feminist)
- Talk:Eleanor Smeal
- Talk:Molly Yard
- Talk:Abby Johnson (activist)
- Talk:Jane Abraham
- Talk:Mary Cunningham Agee
- Talk:Michele Bachmann
- Talk:Chuck Baldwin
- Talk:Allen Bares
- Talk:Flip Benham
- Talk:David Bereit
- Talk:Bob Bird (activist)
- Talk:L. Brent Bozell, Jr.
- Talk:Michael Bray
- Talk:Joel Brind
- Talk:Judie Brown
- Talk:Robert P. Casey
- Talk:Mark Crutcher
- Talk:Marjorie Dannenfelser
- Talk:Paul deParrie
- Talk:Richard Doerflinger
- Talk:Bob Dornan
- Talk:Eileen Egan
- Talk:Lou Engle
- Talk:Thomas J. Euteneuer
- Talk:Francis P. Filice
- Talk:Mark Gietzen
- Talk:Mary Ann Glendon
- Talk:Nellie Gray (U.S. pro-life activist)
- Talk:Andrew Greeley
- Talk:Carl Gunter, Jr.
- Talk:Mark Harrington (pro-life activist)
- Talk:Cameron Henry
- Talk:Nat Hentoff
- Talk:Paul Jennings Hill
- Talk:Frank Hoffmann
- Talk:Neal Horsley
- Talk:Mildred Fay Jefferson
- Talk:Maya Keyes
- Talk:Alveda King
- Talk:James Charles Kopp
- Talk:David Leach (activist)
- Talk:Juli Loesch
- Talk:Ellen McCormack
- Talk:Rachel MacNair
- Talk:Michelle Malkin
- Talk:Keith Mason (activist)
- Talk:Frederica Mathewes-Green
- Talk:Troy Newman
- Talk:John Joseph O'Connor
- Talk:Christine O'Donnell
- Talk:Kristin Olsen
- Talk:Jennifer O'Neill
- Talk:Tadeusz Pacholczyk
- Talk:Ruth Pakaluk
- Talk:Star Parker
- Talk:Frank Pavone
- Talk:David Reardon
- Talk:Brian Rohrbough
- Talk:Lila Rose
- Talk:Joseph Scheidler
- Talk:Paul Schenck
- Talk:Eunice Kennedy Shriver
- Talk:J. Minos Simon
- Talk:Chris Smith (New Jersey politician)
- Talk:Stephen Spiro
- Talk:Jill Stanek
- Talk:Ben Stein
- Talk:Horatio Storer
- Talk:Cheryl Sullenger
- Talk:Randall Terry
- Talk:David Trosch
- Talk:Leslee Unruh
- Talk:Clayton Waagner
- Talk:J. C. Willke
- Talk:Denis E. Dillon
- Talk:40 Days for Life
- Talk:Alliance Defense Fund
- Talk:Alpha Center
- Talk:American Anglican Council
- Talk:American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists
- Talk:American Center for Law & Justice
- Talk:American Coalition of Life Activists
- Talk:American College of Pediatricians
- Talk:American Family Association
- Talk:American Life League
- Talk:American Vision
- Talk:Americans United for Life
- Talk:Arlington Group
- Talk:Army of God (USA)
- Talk:Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
- Talk:Bound4life
- Talk:California ProLife Council
- Talk:The Call (religion)
- Talk:Catholic Answers
- Talk:Center for Bio-Ethical Reform
- Talk:Choose Life license plates
- Talk:Colorado Right to Life
- Talk:Concerned Women for America
- Talk:Democrats for Life of America
- Talk:Eagle Forum
- Talk:Elliot Institute
- Talk:Faith and Freedom Coalition
- Talk:Family Institute of Connecticut
- Talk:Feminists for Life
- Talk:Focus on the Family
- Talk:Gabriel Project
- Talk:Georgia Right to Life
- Talk:History of Operation Rescue
- Talk:Justice House of Prayer
- Talk:The Lambs of Christ
- Talk:Libertarians for Life
- Talk:Life Dynamics Inc.
- Talk:Live Action (organization)
- Talk:The Lord's Ranch
- Talk:Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life
- Talk:Missionaries to the Preborn
- Talk:Missionaries to the Unborn
- Talk:National Institute of Family and Life Advocates
- Talk:National Right to Life Committee
- Talk:New York State Right to Life Party
- Talk:Operation Rescue (Kansas)
- Talk:Operation Save America
- Talk:Physicians for Life
- Talk:Population Research Institute
- Talk:Pro-Life Action League
- Talk:Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians
- Talk:Republican National Coalition for Life
- Talk:A Rose and a Prayer
- Talk:Students for America
- Talk:Students for Life of America
- Talk:Susan B. Anthony List
- Talk:Taskforce of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality
- Talk:The Nurturing Network
- Talk:Thomas More Law Center
- Talk:Thomas More Society
- Talk:Traditional Values Coalition
- Talk:Virginia Society for Human Life
- Talk:Vision America
- Talk:Mama grizzly
- Talk:Ayn Rand Institute
- Talk:Catholics for Choice
- Talk:Choice USA
- Talk:EMILY's List
- Talk:I'm Not
- Talk:NARAL Pro-Choice America
- Talk:National Organization for Women
- Talk:Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
- Talk:Republicans for Choice
- Talk:The Wish List (political organization)
- Talk:Women's Health Action and Mobilization
- Talk:American Birth Control League
- Talk:Family Planning Association India
- Talk:The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
- Talk:Family Planning Queensland
- Talk:Gloria Feldt
- Talk:Gonzales v. Planned Parenthood
- Talk:Guttmacher Institute
- Talk:Alan Frank Guttmacher
- Talk:Nasreena Ibrahim
- Talk:Attiya Inayatullah
- Talk:International Planned Parenthood Federation
- Talk:Japan Family Planning Association
- Talk:Peggy Lam
- Talk:Mary Lasker
- Talk:Margaret Sanger Awards
- Talk:Jean Medawar
- Talk:Mary Morain
- Talk:Dorothy Norman
- Talk:James O'Keefe
- Talk:Elise Ottesen-Jensen
- Talk:Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. v. Bucci
- Talk:Malcolm Potts
- Talk:Margaret Pyke
- Talk:Dhanvanthi Rama Rau
- Talk:Edris Rice-Wray Carson
- Talk:Rutgers Nisso Group
- Talk:Margaret Sanger
- Talk:Robert Vivian Storer
- Talk:Swedish Association for Sexuality Education
- Talk:Christian terrorism
- Talk:Murder of David Gunn
- Talk:Scott Roeder
- Talk:Eric Robert Rudolph
- Talk:John Salvi
- Talk:Shelley Shannon
- Talk:Assassination of George Tiller
- Talk:Sandbæk Report
- Talk:Etienne Vermeersch
- Talk:Abortifacient
- Talk:Apiol
- Talk:Aristolochia
- Talk:Artemisia vulgaris
- Talk:Carica papaya
- Talk:Claviceps purpurea
- Talk:Common Rue
- Talk:Daucus carota
- Talk:Diachylon
- Talk:Ecballium elaterium
- Talk:Ergot
- Talk:Gemeprost
- Talk:Hellebore
- Talk:Juniperus sabina
- Talk:Mentha cervina
- Talk:Mifepristone
- Talk:Misoprostol
- Talk:Pennyroyal
- Talk:Prostaglandin E2
- Talk:Prostaglandin F2alpha
- Talk:Silphium
- Talk:Spanish fly
- Talk:St John's wort
- Talk:Tansy
- Talk:Abortion debate
- Talk:180 (2011 American film)
- Talk:Abortion and mental health
- Talk:Abortion–breast cancer hypothesis
- Talk:Beginning of pregnancy controversy
- Talk:Buddhism and abortion
- Talk:Canon 1398
- Talk:Canon 915
- Talk:Capps Amendment
- Talk:Catholicism and abortion
- Talk:History of early Christian thought on abortion
- Talk:Christianity and abortion
- Talk:Ensoulment
- Talk:Executive Order 13535
- Talk:Fetal rights
- Talk:Fetus Farming Prohibition Act
- Talk:Sherri Finkbine
- Talk:Genetics and abortion
- Talk:Hinduism and abortion
- Talk:Indirect abortion
- Talk:Islam and abortion
- Talk:Judaism and abortion
- Talk:Legalized abortion and crime effect
- Talk:Libertarian perspectives on abortion
- Talk:Mexico City Policy
- Talk:Minors and abortion
- Talk:Nelson Amendment
- Talk:Paternal rights and abortion
- Talk:Personhood movement
- Talk:Philosophical aspects of the abortion debate
- Talk:Plattform "Ärzte für das Leben" v. Austria
- Talk:Potential person
- Talk:R (ProLife Alliance) v. BBC
- Talk:Religion and abortion
- Talk:Reproductive Health Bill
- Talk:José Cardoso Sobrinho
- Talk:Societal attitudes towards abortion
- Talk:Stupak–Pitts Amendment
- Talk:Yale student abortion art controversy
- Talk:Tysiąc v Poland
- Talk:Support for the legalization of abortion
- Talk:Clinic escort
- Talk:March for Women's Lives
- Talk:Reproductive rights
- Talk:Eugen Relgis
- Talk:Bertram Wainer
- Talk:Emma Bonino
- Talk:Adele Faccio
- Talk:Giorgio Fidenato
- Talk:Patricia Mercado
- Talk:Esther Orozco
- Talk:Beatriz Paredes Rangel
- Talk:Marie Stopes International
- Talk:The Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing
- Talk:Right to life
- Talk:Aborting America
- Talk:Consistent life ethic
- Talk:Culture of life
- Talk:Eclipse of Reason
- Talk:Evangelium Vitae
- Talk:Genocide Awareness Project
- Talk:The Hand of God (book)
- Talk:The Human Life Review
- Talk:Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience
- Talk:March for Life and Family
- Talk:The Party of Death
- Talk:Pro-life feminism
- Talk:Sanctity of life
- Talk:Sidewalk counseling
- Talk:Silent Holocaust
- Talk:The Silent Scream
- Talk:Sisters of Life
- Talk:Wayne Christian
- Talk:Ernesto Cofiño
- Talk:Frank Corte, Jr.
- Talk:Brett Geymann
- Talk:Victoria Gillick
- Talk:Bryan Hughes (Texas politician)
- Talk:Peter Jensen (bishop)
- Talk:John LaBruzzo
- Talk:Paul Marx (priest)
- Talk:Liliana Negre de Alonso
- Talk:Ludvig Nessa
- Talk:Ben Nevers
- Talk:J. Rogers Pope
- Talk:John Schroder
- Talk:Justin Barrett
- Talk:Patricia Casey
- Talk:Michael Cox (bishop)
- Talk:Richard Greene (politician)
- Talk:Rónán Mullen
- Talk:Breda O'Brien
- Talk:Anglicans for Life
- Talk:Buhay Hayaan Yumabong
- Talk:Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute
- Talk:Catholic Medical Association
- Talk:Human Life International
- Talk:Pharmacists for Life International
- Talk:Pontifical Academy for Life
- Talk:Priests for Life
- Talk:Rachel's Vineyard
- Talk:The Stoneridge Group
- Talk:Aktion Leben
- Talk:Crisis pregnancy center
- Talk:12th & Delaware
- Talk:Care Net
- Talk:Thomas Glessner
- Talk:Heartbeat International (crisis pregnancy center network)
- Talk:Eric Keroack
- Talk:Susan Olasky
- Talk:Faderhuset
- Talk:Freedom Party (Denmark)
- Talk:Precious Life (organisation)
- Talk:Pro Life Campaign
- Talk:Anti-abortion violence
- Talk:Abortion law
- Talk:Child destruction
- Talk:Conscience clause (medical)
- Talk:Decreţei
- Talk:Human Life Amendment
- Talk:Legal protection of access to abortion
- Talk:Security of person
- Talk:TRAP law
- Talk:Spirit of '73: Rock for Choice
- Talk:Diary of an Unborn Child
- Talk:Hills Like White Elephants
- Talk:Life Choice
- Talk:Mitzi's Abortion
- Talk:One Day, One Room
- Talk:Partial Terms of Endearment
- Talk:The Pre-persons
- Talk:Thou Shalt Not Kill (Spooks)
- Talk:Woodland Critter Christmas
- Talk:4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
- Talk:The Banishment
- Talk:The Cider House Rules (film)
- Talk:Citizen Ruth
- Talk:El crimen del Padre Amaro
- Talk:Dirty Dancing
- Talk:If These Walls Could Talk
- Talk:My Body, My Child
- Talk:Palindromes (film)
- Talk:A Private Matter
- Talk:Rain Without Thunder
- Talk:Sarah's Choice
- Talk:Story of Women
- Talk:Street Corner (1948 film)
- Talk:Vera Drake
- Talk:The Abortion: An Historical Romance 1966
- Talk:The Amatory Experiences of a Surgeon
- Talk:The Atonement Child
- Talk:Bones of the Moon
- Talk:The Cider House Rules
- Talk:The End of the Road
- Talk:Gideon's Torch
- Talk:Prophet (novel)
- Talk:Tilly (novella)
- Talk:The Abortion Pill (film)
- Talk:Lake of Fire (film)
- Talk:Maafa 21
- Talk:When Abortion Was Illegal: Untold Stories
- Talk:A Defense of Abortion
- Talk:List of songs about abortion
- Talk:Bear (song)
- Talk:Bodies (Sex Pistols song)
- Talk:Brick (song)
- Talk:Choirgirl (song)
- Talk:The Freshmen (song)
- Talk:Get Your Gunn
- Talk:Happy Birthday (Flipsyde song)
- Talk:Lucy (Skillet song)
- Talk:Miracle (Whitney Houston song)
- Talk:Nude as the News
- Talk:Papa Don't Preach
- Talk:Red Ragtop
- Talk:Retrospect for Life
- Talk:Sally's Pigeons
- Talk:Se quiere, Se Mata
- Talk:Slide (song)
- Talk:What It's Like
- Talk:White Crosses (song)
- Talk:Dilation and curettage
- Talk:Dilation and evacuation
- Talk:Hysterotomy abortion
- Talk:Instillation abortion
- Talk:Intact dilation and extraction
- Talk:Medical abortion
- Talk:Menstrual extraction
- Talk:Vacuum aspiration
- Talk:Thomas Neill Cream
- Talk:Gisella Perl
- Talk:Holly's Law
- Talk:Interstate Abortion Bill
- Talk:Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1995